
The law doesn’t protect people.

The law doesn’t protect people.
People protect the law.

People have always detested evil and sought out a righteous way of living.

Their feelings. . . The accumulation of those peoples’ feelings are the law.

– Psycho Pass

3 thoughts on “The law doesn’t protect people.

  1. Dear dramatclovealbum,

    “feelings are the law”… : Would we throw the doors wide open to CHAOS or PARADISE ?

    1. Dear Winfried,

      First to be done: thank you for reading my blog and even more so for questioning it. As for my late reply, I really am sorry.
      The question you ask is not an easy one because it depends on various things, whether it is the law itself or the people behind it. If we can choose, we would always choose Paradise. That’s a fact, because no one would be willingly thrown into Hell, or even into the Chaos (well, except for me, but I am no ordinary person as well as I don’t care much about that). But we all know that one man’s paradise is another man’s hell. That is why I will answer your answer like this:

      The doors were always wide open, even from the beginning, we were living in Chaos.

      Humans strive for perfection, because they want to believe that they were born or created for a reason, which is not only to be alive but also to serve a higher purpose. We were given many privileges like a mental state which is called consciousness. Humans are conscious of themselves while they feel superior against every other living being, sometimes even against each other. That’s why this certain person always exists who believes they know what’s best for you. Their feelings might be genuine, their thoughts might be well thought and they might act out of good will or even out of concern, but their thoughts are not ours and their feelings are not ours because only we knows what is good for us. Once we have to abide by the rules of others we have to step back in order to keep the peace. Might it be the simple rule of a wife who cares for her husband and wishes him not to stay out the whole night or be it the genuine believe of a religion the that betrayal of a wife against her husband might end in her death by throwing stones at her until she bleeds and falls to the ground – once we abide by those rules we are in the mercy of someone else.

      We’re entities with flaws. Although we are similar to each other in behaviour we are not entirely the same, even if we come from the same womb and are of the same blood – our needs are different and so is our purpose in life. Some of us can endure living by rules; others may not. We might feel safe and sheltered as long as everything goes our way. But not everyone can do this. Not everyone is this blessed with laws and rules which work in their favour.

      Like animals humans live by the rule ‘survival of the fittest’. The strongest among us are able to set the law. People change, the law change. Like nothing is carved in stone, the law is also a changing matter, depending on the feelings of the person behind it. This minute it can protect you, the next minute it can destroy you. Humans are like this, unpredictable and ever changing. So are their laws. The law doesn’t exist to protect the people. It exists to protect them from each other. Humans are actually the only living entities on this planet humans have to fear of.

      That is why humans are at constant war at each other. They believe that the only way they can survive and become happy is to subdue everyone else and become the one who’s setting the law.
      It is not genuinely bad. It might looks like it in the eyes of a stranger but human behaviour is seldom an act of wishful ferocity but mostly a confirmed act in the struggle of survival. In the end we set laws to protect us and our loved ones. And since everyone’s perspectives differ we will always live between the struggle of strength, laws, feelings and endurance. There is no way out of the malice, we live in this chaos and day by day we get stronger so that one day we can set our own laws and hope that there will be someone out there who acknowledge our genuine feelings behind them and joins us in our battle.

      That was of course a little bit long for an answer, but I think I cannot describe my feelings otherwise. I’m sorry for that, Winfried. I hope you don’t mind.

  2. I don’t mind at all! How could I? Your reply is so comprehensive and full of even more fruit for thought. Thank you.

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